Too many Arizonans are forced to make poor food
choices that lead to chronic health issues.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona is working with organizations across the state to empower Arizonans to gain access to basic nutritional needs and improve healthy habits.
We can't do it ourselves so looking for partners across the state of Arizona to help us stop hunger and control obesity in children and adults.
Start Taking ActionMany Arizonans struggle to access healthy food and make good nutritional choices. Geographical diversity and rapid population growth add to the complexity of this problem.
Many Arizonans living with this food insecurity struggle to get and remain healthy, leading to high rates of obesity and chronic diseases. This health issue affects our entire health system.
Approximately 65% of Arizona residents are overweight.
More than 28% of Arizonans drink at least one can, bottle or glass of soda per day.
According to the Arizona Department of Health Services, 7% of Arizonans have limited access to healthy food because they do not have a grocery store within their community.